Monday, October 14, 2024

Chaos and Driving

DeA is yoked
Jens played in Brewster and balled out, she was nails serving (12 for 12) and played well even on the back row where she thinks she isn't good but is really good.
They did a parent practice with the kids and DeA showed off her natural skills

Marissa came to fill in for us while we drove out to the state park for Ryker's cross country meet. We took sleeping Luca and Sofia with us so that Rissa could show off her v-ball skills.
Ryker ran hard and pushed some of the older kids.
That's Sara, she is obviously Janet's daughter.
Luca woke up when we got to the park but didn't really wake up until we were back at his house.

Sofia is very pleasant when she cannot see her mom or Nama Rae.
Or when Leo Puppy is around. She loves Leo Puppy


Friday, October 11, 2024

Conference and Homecoming Weekend!

Ah, we love conference weekend, especially now that the kids are older and less distracting!
Well, there was a little distraction since Rock had a date to Hoco and wanted to look his best.
All the girls go crazy about a sharp-dressed Rock, but they still won't slow dance with him.
Here comes the hotstepper...
He came home at 11:15ish and DeA was desperate to hear all the details
All that dancing must have worn him out.
We enjoyed a nice relaxing walk between sessions to try and get the blood moving.
I guess DeA really missed Downey
I think Downey really missed DeA

Conference Sunday!
I think the steam is running out on the donuts, but the kids won't quite let them die yet.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Time with DeA Between Sports

DeA  was trying on a dress when I took the picture. You can tell that she doesn't like to have her picture taken
I couldn't help myself though and then I noticed her guns, so maybe I should be a more submissive and obedient husband.
She will smile at me, sometimes.
She works hard for those guns.
She made some delicious whole wheat bread from some wheat that I ground up. The yeast worked pretty well.

She has been wanting to try out the path by the boat launch for weeks, so we ran down and she showed off her skills. You should listen to this with the sound up
There was gravel at the end of the path and DeA had to pull some sick maneuvers to save herself.

Ryker might have a crush, and DeA figured it out and now loves to talk to Ryker about his day and practice and his crush.
I thought that the Lower and Upper Joe Creeks would be about five miles, so we walked it. I was only off by about 2.3 miles...
Jens had a great game on Thursday. She got aggressive, had a kill, and got every one of her serves over.
Mom got these great pictures of her showing off her "focus face"

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Still Bladin'

DeA loves roller blading, it's not just what she does but who she is now. She is blades of wheels.
"Okay, Mom, but we still can't play hockey in the house?"
Even cleaning up dinner is no match for Mrs. Blades.
Here's a little montage of her in action!

Luca visited the office with Hampa, he loaded up with candy and goodies
After work on Friday we bombed down to the temple and enjoyed a great date night.

It's too bad that this picture is blurry because DeA looks so happy.
Ryker was very excited for his meet in Leavenworth.
The course was just a little dusty.
He ran really hard to beat his goal, but barely missed it. He was bummed because he said he ran so hard that his stomach felt weird.
The look of a boy who is exhausted and hungy and disappointment. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Fly, Fly, Fly Away

 Rock has been taking flying lessons for what feels like not very long. Against his mother's wishes, desires, beliefs, and almost over her dead body it was time for him to take his first solo flight. She was a little bit anxious.Her baby was alone in an aircraft and taxing to the runway. She could not believe that a competent instructor would allow this to happen.Thankfully, he made three smooth landings (with one wave off in the middle)

She was pretty excited to see her baby back on the ground.He already perfected the pilot strut.It's not very heroic to have your mom run and hug you in front of the other pilots, but he was too happy to object.Notice the church clothes, he woke up early to go to the temple with the other youth. DeA is certain that is why he did well and did not crash.

I guess it is a tradition to cut off the shirt after a pilot solos.

The pilots in the family.

They let me in one picture.

I forgot, they let me in a second picture. Why am I doing this? It's a callback, the real ones will remember.

Luca loves his cat. His cat just goes limp to survive.

Happy birthday to Leo Boy!

He looks so excited.