Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Unboxing Day!

New blades, who dis?
She couldn't wait to go to the gym or Riverwalk pathway to try them out, she had to take a test ride right away.
I'm surprised she risked eating dinner with her blinging white blades.

Neither boy wants to play football, but DeA still had to go watch the "stupid, boring" game because Ryker was excited to be in pep band.
Nama and Hampa were going to Utah to visit KC, and somehow Ryker worked his way into the trip. Jens was so sad to tell him goodbye. 
Apparently, so was Luca
Nama was pretty excited to get out of town, but she isn't surprised to listen to 14 hours of Ryker describe all the restaurants that he was going to try.
"Chick FilA and Mod and Raisin' Canes and Artic Circle and...."
The apples are ready
Luca was a big fan.


Friday, September 13, 2024

We Are a Roller Blading Family Now

I walked into the living room to see this:
The boys were appalled that the "no hockey in the house" rule could be disregarded so quickly.
"Is this what hypocrisy means?" - Rock
We had a rare night without wind and Jens was holding Downy the cat while we waited for her new family to come adopt her. Luca really wanted to hold him.

Sofia only likes Nama and her mom, it's pretty annoying.
I don't know where I Rissa was trying to Luca, but he wasn't going willingly.
Seems like she was having a very cozy evening researching roller blades.
We finally had a free Saturday, and it warmed our hearts that Rock asked if we could go to the temple. 
Ryker had quite the experience during these pictures.

We found a good little BBQ place by Costco. Ryker was starving, but wanted to wait for Panda Express. I don't know why.
I spoke at the Quilting Club meeting and they presented me with these bowl coozies to keep hands warm while eating ice cream and to keep you hands from burning while eating hot soup. DeA was very excited because she hates melting ice cream.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

End of Summer and Trip with DeA

Marissa and Javi's petting zoo is pretty fun to visit. DeA desperately wants the goats to trust her.
They are good judges of character and finally were eating out of the palm of her hand.
Jensley the chicken wrangler
DeA the Sofia wrangler
Jens outgrew her old bounce-back net so we got her a new one. She put it together and was excited to use it. She hit the first ball into it and it launched about ten feet over her head, so this one is definitely better than her old one.
DeA and I went on a fancy date to a fancy location that also had a lice clinic, so yeah, only the best for my DeA.
We did a session at the Spokane temple, it was the first time I was there in about 25 years and it was definitely smaller than I remembered it. 
Next to our hotel was a Brazillian Churrascaria, we hadn't eaten in one of those in about 18 years so we had to hit it up.
She looks proud of the fact that I flipped my card over first, but she did skip the lamb and some of the pork.
She celebrated by chugging the rest of the $5 bottle of "free" water.
We stayed at the Davenport Grand because she is worth it
We enjoyed our night in Spokane, but were happy to end up in Coeur D'Alene for the next three nights. She found us a great little BBQ place.
She also found a roller rink where she showed off her professional roller blade skills
She was very, very excited
I could tell that I was not nearly as good as she was because she kept skating up to me and recording my ungraceful blading.

It took a few tries, but I finally found her flourless chocolate tort that she had been craving.
Church was only 20 minutes long because the plumbing went out in the building, so we drove to Sandpoint. It was very busy with tourists.
One roller blading session wasn't enough, so we went again on Monday.

We had even more fun, and then I caught her looking up tricks to try.
Now we are actively trying to figure out how to open a roller rink in the valley and she has been obsessed with finding the right blades and starting a youtube channel, so stay tuned for more content like this: