Friday, May 23, 2008

A glimpse into the mind of Rock!!

Apparently he likes milk. Who knew?The little guy went through a little spell for about a week or so where he refused to sleep through the night. I learned pretty quickly not to wake up in the morning and say "Hey, Rock must have done well last night, I didn't wake up once!" Poor DeAndra, I would wake up and find her asleep with Rock in the recliner or slumped over on the couch after feeding him. But the last couple of nights he has done really well and made it through the entire night! Before you celebrate, DeAndra wants to make it very clear that the downside to him sleeping so long is he has extra time to fill his diaper with presents for Mommy. Since he loves to share, he puts way to many presents in the diaper, and that means that DeAndra gets to hose him down, as well as his bedding. The good news in all of this is that he has been sleeping in past my first class, so I am far away when all this happens. That brings me to my next point; I like morning classes!

Here are some videos of Rock playing with his mommy. He's such a momma's boy.

This video is a little special, because Rock has learned how to roll over! He would happily roll over for DeAndra and I, until there was a camera involved. I'm not kidding, he would just sit there while we were filming, and then as soon as the camera was put down he would roll over and then laugh. He's a little turkey. But finally he let us capture his new talent on film, so enjoy!


  1. Where's the picture from the background? I would like to make a print. He isn't looking at all like the baby I held for a week. He is turning into a little boy with quite the personality. Have him roll my way, okay? Love ya all!

  2. Hey it's Daisha & Cole from the BYU-I days. We're in Portland, OR. Cute little boy you have there. We've got 3 kids now.

  3. That one of Rock in the Bumbo is awesome because it looks like he is creating a "present" for you, with that concentrated look on his face and all.
