Saturday, August 16, 2008

Still Awesome!!

And by awesome I mean spoiled. Cute, but spoiled.

Rock isn't a big fan of green beans (who is?) and it shows in his face

Here's another one of Rock's Picks as he prepares for his first football game!


  1. Yeah we can feed him food! Dutch Apple Dessert!! He's not spoiled but well cared for. See you oh so soon!!

  2. ha i was at the game last you're jealous you weren't aaron.. :D he's sooo cute! what if he grows up to cheer for the (gasp) utes? ;) haha

  3. Dad just told me that he is going out with mom to see Rock tomorrow. We still need to work on the whole Thanksgiving thing!! Rock is growing up too fast

  4. I know that mom, dad and the boys are all out there, but Rock still has three aunts here checking everyday for pictures of their favorite nephew... Shame on you Aaron.
    Miss you guys!!
