Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rock '08: The Campaign Continues

Rock is continuing his quest for election by rolling up his sleeves and getting out among the people. He likes to make sure that he is covering all of the demographics, and here he is working the green elephant and blue horse vote.

Even though Rock is trustworthy, he is still a politician. That means that he is attracted to wallets and what they contain. But since he is still a baby, he isn't sure what all the fuss is about and why Mommy is always looking for and getting into Daddy's wallet.

Here our little candidate is working the Hispanic vote. Vamos Mexico!

And the little guy doesn't forget the women's vote, and here he is showing the womenfolk how familiar he is with their favorite toy.

Rock continues his campaign by answering questions at a town hall meeting. Remember, he doesn't plant questions, these are all legit. Notice the poise and confidence with which he answers the inquiries.

He isn't afraid to hit the pavement while on the campaign trail. He gets around quickly among the people.

After a long day campaigning, little baby Rock still manages to take time with his biggest fan, Mommy.


  1. So cute! He is getting so big! He has my vote!

  2. i love the mexico jersey! haha i wonder which of his favorite aunts gave him that one.. :D i love the video of him crawling!

  3. the mexico jersey is adorable! he is starting to grow his hair out a little long in the back huh? I love the videos

  4. He's so much more grown up it makes my eyes get a little (okay maybe more) misty.

  5. I feel like Rock is relying too much on his cuteness. When is he going to start talking about the real issues? The only issue he's addressed is illegal immigration. We, the American people, need and demand answers!

  6. You saw his economic policy, take the wallet and suck it dry. Its not the best policy, but its what he brings to the table.
