Monday, December 22, 2008

California Christmas!!

This is what Grandma said she saw when Rock showed up for Christmas. FYI-Thats not the sun...yeah, he's that awesome.

The weather is Iowa right now is being reported as -3*F (that's like -143C) with a high of 7. Luckily we made it out just in time and are enjoying the beautiful town of Solvang, Ca. It's so pretty you almost don't notice the hippie freaks driving their Prius around town.

We showed up Friday night in Santa Maria after a wonderfully smooth and stressfree trip that involved a miss connection, a trans-airport sprint, another sprint down the terminal and then an hour-long wait in line at LAX for a new boarding pass since the stressed out ticket lady wouldn't give our first ones back. Yeah, nobody stressed out on that one. Nobody.

The little guy is getting super-duper spoiled. Here are pictures of his yummy breakfast this morning.

Whitni likes ponies. She wanted one for Christmas, but this is as close as she'll get.