Sunday, August 22, 2010

Five Spot

Rock and Ryker find it hard to believe, but there was a time in DeA's and my life she wasn't the only one that was young and good looking. Five years ago persistence and constant peer pressure paid off and DeAndra finally "settled", "gave in", "Sold out her future" or whatever else her mommy told her at the time to talk her out of it.
The time has flown by, but when we look at all the changes in our lives it is hard to remember all the way back.
DeA likes to look at our wedding pictures and ask me "look at you, you look so young and carefree...what happened?"

Sometimes she has had to grin and bear it, but lucky for me she's hung in there.
We've been able to make fun trips to visit friends and finalize paperwork for arranged marriages...
and we've met awesome new friends at our stops along the way.
The whole time we've had the great support of our families...

or, more appropriately, our family.
Happy Anniversary, Sugar Boobs!! I love you!!


  1. Ummm... why does this post make me feel a teensy bit sad?

  2. Why? It was a happy post about how much I love my wife

  3. Oops! I had several blogs open at once and commented on the wrong one. "Sad" is for another special needs blog. Sorry to cause consternation.
