Monday, December 6, 2010

Phone Pic Catch Up

Well, it's about that time of the quarter when I clean out my phone's memory and find some forgotten pictures.  Here is a picture of Rock and Ryker enjoying my their protein shake before a run.
 Ryker wasn't cool with Rock bogarting the drink.
 Rock loves spending time with his cousins in Manson.  He really likes spending time with cousins when Tampa Dale is around, because then the popsicles flow like Otter Pops. 
 This was before dinner, and neither of them ate very many enchiladas.  But like Rock told me, "chill out, Daddyo".
 Rock loves watchinig "The Polar Express" even though it scares him the whole time and he wants someone to watch it with him.  So far we've only seen this movie about 87 bajillion times.
 Tampa Dale and Mama Rae came to visit the boys before they go to Oregon for Christmas (and to watch Harry Potter at the Imax.  How was it?  Well, I can't say for sure, but I bet that it's one of the best openings for the first part of a sixth sequel in movie history.)  Part of the trip was to meet Rock's many recent requests for a cupcake.
 Ryker's eyes were bright with excitement since Rock was sharing with him.
 Ryker is still growing up before our very eyes.  He's realized the importance of looking good and brushing his golden hair.
 It's never too early to start brushing your chompers, even if they are still down in the gums.

 He's learned a lot about how to behave at church from the high priests in the ward.
 So, Rock loves Tostitos Restaurant Style Medium Salsa and chips.  He even took a drink of the salsa because it was so yummy...and because Gyker dared him to do it.


  1. I love Rocks face when he is watching the movie! Priceless! Ryker is so super duper cute!

  2. I thought you would have shown one with his hands over his ears. That's really how he looks when he is watching a movie.
