Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pizza Time!

A while back Rock met a friend at the park.  Through Facebook DeA asked the boy's mom if they wanted to come over.  He and Rock got to make their own little pizzas.  Rock loaded his up with cheese...
  And then loaded himself up on more cheese.
 After the party DeA wanted some quiet time, so she set up the ball pit!!  The ball pit has been dormant for a while since the balls tend to end up just about everywhere.  But the boys played very well in it this time and Ryker loved putting his face up against the netting (not pictured: Ryker with his face up against the netting.  DeA was having quiet time, not taking pictures).
 I helped a friend move her bedding the other day, and in return they gave me a maple bar.  Well, it turned out they gave Rock a maple bar.
 Ever since we bought DeA a new vacuum for her birthday, Rock has been playing with the hand held that came with it.  Ryker also gets in on the action by sweeping the Cheeros off of the floor.

 I guess Travis Volle thinks that the Englands have an interesting sleeping position.  I'm not sure what that is.
 Papa Dale brought Rock some wood the other day, and so Rock has been using the kindling to build bird houses.  I don't know why he suddenly wants to build bird houses, but I do know that his Handy Manny hammer can fix just about anything.
 Here is the finished bird house, minus the headers and the main beam that ended up being used in the fire.  He wasn't cool with that.


  1. Never a dull moment with those animals. Fun to see them busy.

  2. Cuteness galore. I hope to play with them soon.
