Monday, May 30, 2011


Well, this was my last week at Petett Chiropractic in Renton.  I am now officially unemployed self-employed.  It feels good to finally get to stay here in Manson instead of heading over the mountains into the grayness that is Western Washington.  This morning I helped the boys get ready for church.  Rock got ready by playing in tunnels in the nude.
Ryker enjoyed himself some Cheerios, then I let him out of the highchair.  I immediately wondered what he had hanging on his pants...thankfully he was eating chocolate Cheerios and we didn't have a haz-mat situation on our hands.
His starting to get more teethers.  He's taking his sweet time about it, but he's finally starting.
After church Ryker found some leftover cake from lunch.  After that there wasn't no more cake no more.
Rock has been logging some quality time in his new bird.  He even lets others take some rides in it, as long as they put down a substantial security deposit.
"I knew a jonty show tune wasn't a significant enough deposit."
Rock will occasionally not see Ryker's head and crash into it with his top lip.  Then he cries and eats a yummy Otter Pop to numb the pain.
Ryker doesn't necessarily look for trouble, but sometimes trouble finds you.  Those are the times that you need to be prepared.  Ryker is usually prepared with a kitchen weapon.
"Come at me, bro!  Come at me!"
Rock has recently started posing even more for pictures.  He likes to stand like Superman.
He also likes to pose as "cheesy smile boy".
Also "I don't hear you telling me it's time for bed" boy.
After Sunday dinner Ryker came home and asked for some more food.  He likes his food.  After eating some delicious BBQ chicken from him mommy he crashed hard in the high chair.  He sleeps better in the high chair then he does anywhere else.  I think it's because he feels comforted knowing that he's sleeping close to where he gets his food.


  1. Congrats on starting your own business! The boys are adorable. Miss you guys!

  2. Those boys are so cute! Wish you were still close enough for us to see them once in awhile!
