Thursday, October 20, 2011

Corvallis Trip, Part II

Game day morning!!  We stayed at La Quinta because they are famous for their flip waffles (according to DeA).  Rock usually isn't a big waffle eater, but he loved the waffles.  He loved them so much that he never realized how much syrup got on his sleeve from dragging it across the plate.
Ryker is always a fan of any food, especially flip waffles and biscuits and gravy.  Some genius introduced us to the magic that is waffles and gravy.  He was pure genius.
"Wha?  No, I wasn't checking out the chicks.  Why do you ask?"
Speaking of chicks, Ryker found himself a little girlfriend during breakfast.  He kept mauling her with kisses and hugs, like a true gentleman.
Here's the Beaver marching band doing marching band stuff.
The boys were sure little champs and loved watching the game until naptime.
They really did look interested in what was happening on the field.
They were so interested that they started copying the players.
For about a quarter they just "tackled" and mauled each other.
Here is a good view of BYU's first (or so) offensive play.  Our seats were nice because you could see the whole field.  They were kind of not nice because we were 77 freaking rows up.  Way up there, with no hand rails and two little boys.  Come on, OSU, what's your deal?  You can't put a little money into railings?  Or a tow rope or chairlift or something!


  1. So is it "motelgatting" if pre-game party is not in the parking lot?

  2. 77 rows up and no guard rails? I wouldn't even want Paul and Joe wrassling around up there, haha
