Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Naps, Quinceneras, Sunshine and OUCH!

One of the things that we love about Jens is how good of a sleeper she is.  Her brothers could be blowing stuff up right next to her and she will keep on sleeping and looking adorable while doing it.
 On Sunday DeA decided to try out Jens' quincenera dress.  She looked pretty pretty in it.
There are our girls.  And even though they are outnumbered two to three, I have a feeling they will find a way to break that majority. 
 For example: Crying and punching.
 DeA took the kids down to the park to lay in the shade and play.  Jensley likes the sunshine.
 So does Gyky.
 They liked laying and posing for pictures.
 He isn't even hurting her too much.
 Best buddies, at least until she learns how to take his Goldfish.
 Here he is reverse attack facing Jens.  He has all sorts of moves like this.
 They almost look like they love each other.
 It was almost 100 degrees out there today, so DeA made sure they put on sunscreen.  And boy did they.
 Globbed that stuff on they did.
 That leg will never tan again.
 Tonight Dad and I took the boys up to Nate and Girl Nate (Sara)'s house.  As soon as Rock got out of the car he took off running with Emma, then biffed it on the concrete.  He rubbed dirt on it, iced it and then put a band aid on his hand and returned to playing.  He rode the Razor scooter like a little pro for the next twenty minutes.  But his face...his beautiful face.
 Nothing a milkshake and some Nilla Wafers can't fix.
 But his face.  His beautiful face.  Poor guy.  I'm going to go kiss him better again while he sleeps.  His face.


  1. Be sure to save those "lovey" pix cuz in a few years you may just need to remind yourself of how cute they are.

    Chicks will be battling over Colby and Rock with all their battle scars. Just think of the stories they can tell.

  2. The photos of all three kids stretched out on the blanket are so precious! And poor Rock... he probably needs a milkshake every day for a week!
