Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Party Moves to Medford

Last Friday and Saturday we drove down to Medford to visit Papa Dave and Mama Lisa.  I flew home Sunday and have been receiving pics from DeA of their adventures.

It has been very hot in Medford, and the kids' cheeks show it.
Lil' Jens isn't immune to the heat.
Rock wouldn't stand still for a picture, but he was definitely hot.  He keeps wearing jeans (they are new so he was excited) and his black ninja costume.
I think it's safe to say that they are having a good time.
Mama Lisa's garden is starting to bear goodies, including delicious carrots.
Yeah, they're having a good time.
 They are having so much fun that they randomly drop like flies.
Yeah, it's been a good time for everyone.
Rock found his uncles' legos and has been building like crazy.
Jens woke up the other day with awesome bedhead.
It was very spiky and spectacular.
They spent almost a full day playing at the Science Museum and learning tons of cool things.
They found the bubble machines and basically bathed in the soapy goodness.
Rock learned how to make parachutes.
Jens did something fun, maybe weather related or something.
Rock did whatever this thing is...
Jensley discovered this science thingy.

 Needless to say they had a great time and even got to eat delicious food.
Rock got to ride some sort of centrifuge thing that spun him round and round and round.  He got off and walked up to DeA while saying that he didn't feel well.  He ripped off all his clothes and just sat on a random bench in his unders.  Maybe next time he'll dress for the heat a little better...but probably not.