Saturday, December 6, 2014


Papa Dave and Mama Zista have been working hard to build the kids a homemade playhouse. They surprised the kids by hauling it up here when the visited last month!
They couldn't even wait for the house to get off the truck!
Papa Dale borrowed a forklift from the shed to help unload it.
Cheeto's parking spot made the perfect place for the house.
The playhouse traveled without a roof, to keep the number of flying shingles on the freeway to a minimum. The kids immediately got to work helping shingle their new pad.
Some help was more helpful than others, but some help was also cuter than others.

Notice the safety glasses and real drill that they used.

This wasn't some shoddy tract home playhouse, this baby is custom built to match Dave and Lisa's house. According to Rock the only thing missing is a miniature Buddy on the back porch.
The kids got right into the middle of it and "helped" a lot with the ridge.
That's a big hammer for such a little Ryker.

Rock looks bored, but he already had his turn pounding nails.
The guys did a good job and finally the playhouse was all finished!
All the hard work wore lil' Gyker out.

Everyone was pretty proud of their hard work.

1 comment:

  1. With all that help, can't believe they aren't living in it still.
