Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fall Catch Up

Raf-gato disappeared for three days shortly after school started. It was a tragic time, Ryker came home each day asking if Rafi had returned during school and then cried when his cat was still missing. I had given up and had identified a Rafi doppelganger by the school to make Rafi II. DeAndra went on one last sweep of the neighborhood calling his name when she heard a little meow behind her. She turned around to see Mr. Meowgi running towards her. It turns out that Sra. Guerra was feeding him delicious Mexican food and grasa during his three day walkabout. 

This is the look of a cat that isn't quite sure he wants to come home.
 Ryker was very happy that Raf-gato was home.
 Very, very happy!
 Rafi seemed happy to be back with his Gyker.
 The hospital did their annual fun-run which the kids and I did without anyone having to be carried (despite numerous requests for me to put them on my shoulders) 

 Rock isn't in these pictures because he took off running with his "friend" Amelia. You can tell that Ryker and Jensley weren't quite ready for that much effort.
 After the walk/run they held a drawing and Rock won a freaking bike!
  The next day at church he proved that he really was human and needed sleep after all.
 Jens learned what selfies are and asks to take one every time she sees my camera.
 Papa Dale just had to visit Stehekin the last weekend that the bakery was open. The boys and I accompanied him to make sure the bakery was properly put to bed for the winter.

 It wouldn't be a helicopter ride without a sleepy Ryker.
 It was a beautiful stormy morning.
 The colors in Stehekin were vibrant.
 The Stehekin airport is pretty cool and rustic.
 Ryker didn't let a lack of forks keep him from enjoying his cinnamon roll, he just used a knife like a real man. 
 A cinnamon roll and 7Up, it shows how much say dad has when Grandpa is around.
 The sun started shining through the clouds on our way home to end the morning right.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot how much fun it is to fly with them. Hard to get over how beautiful it is to go up there.
