Sunday, December 23, 2018


Troy and Britt invited us to make cider at their house. It was quite the party.
 Rock wasn't there to party, he was there to work.
 Ryker was all about the hot cocoa bar.
 Rock hit the cocoa bar during his union-mandated break.
 Jens "helped" but never actually put down the hot cocoa.
 It was back to work for lil' Rock once his break was over.
 I was supervisor. The hot cocoa was too rich for me, and the cider was too dirty.
DeA claims that she doesn't love Leo, and that he's too dirty, and he sheds too much. Whatever. 
 Our nights at the hockey rink are still filling our lives, but it can be fun.
 The kids were begging to decorate the house as soon as Thanksgiving dinner was over. We made them do the hard work. 
  It looked good, for about a week. Then the cheap Command hooks failed and now it looks like a jump rope. 
 We even put up the inflatable Frosty from the office.
  The kids decorated the Christmas tree, much to the chagrin of their mother.
 She eventually relaxed and let them do what they wanted to the tree. Oh, and she claims that Leo isn't allowed on the couch.  
 We didn't have a star, so DeA created a Guantanamo Bay tortured elf star.

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