Sunday, August 8, 2021

Family Reunion!!

The big family reunion was in Birch Bay starting July 5th. We went over on the Friday before to avoid traffic and spent the first two nights in Everett.
We walked around downtown Everett and found some cool stuff. Jens played whatever game this is with the statues. 
We went to an Aquasox game with Nick and Emily. They had bounce houses and other fun stuff for the kids outside the stadium.
The kids were excited to play with and take care of Hadley and Cambri.
The nuclear mutated frog was a big hit with the kids.

They had a big fireworks show after the game, you can tell that everyone was excited.
It was a fun day, but Ryker was pretty fried when it was over.
We left Sunday morning to Bellingham to stay the night there for a night with Mom and Dad and Lindsea and Babis at a classy yellow hotel. Jens was excited for another day of road tripping. 

We met with a crew of us at a restaurant in Bellingham before heading up to Birch Bay

Birch Bay hasn't changed much since we last visited, or since I was in high school for that matter. They did have a little farmer's market with a photo booth for the 4th.

We finally were checked in, after stonewalling the time share sharks, and enjoyed family time. 

There was a lot of family time.

DeA was happy to hang out in the quiet pool and hold a sleeping Cami
She likes holding Cami even when she's awake.

I don't think that Leo Baby had to walk anywhere.
We ventured out pretty far when the tide was down, we found lots of sand dollars and mud.

We went down to Deception Pass and walked across the bridge. It might not have been the best idea to walk little kids across a busy, narrow bridge, but we did it anyway.

DeA was a little worn out after Costco, Deception Pass, Whidbey Island, El Cazador, and the 1.5 hour drive back.
We hit up a little nine-hole course and played some very quality golf.
More family time!
We took the older kids to a go-kart and mini golf fun place. The boys were golfing so Jens, DeA and i raced.

The boys were pretty bummed that their dad kicked their butts go-karting, so I had to get them ice cream to make up for it.
The evenings on the beach were beautiful, just like DeA

Oh look, Leo doesn't have to walk again.
There was a poutine food truck, so of course we had to walk to it. It was delicious, even though it was hot outside.
More ice cream!
DeA and I watched Hadley and Cambri the last night while Nick and Emily went away to celebrate their anniversary. We let Hadley climb into bed with us around 4am, this is what she looked like at 7am.
DeA and I had to leave Sunday so that I could work Monday. We picked up Leo on the way and I think DeA was more excited to see him than she had let on.


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