Friday, October 8, 2021

Dress Like Gpa, and a Sports Road Trip

Ryker loves being in middle school, especially since everything is new to him. One of the homecoming themes was dress like a grandparent day, and he was super stoked to dress like Gpa Dale.
Spot on, spot on.
I unexpectedly got to hang out with Dean after work for about an hour before taking him to the YM's activity. We did tacos and picked up a butchered pig. It was wild.
Ryker was pretty excited for his first cross country meet in Tonasket. He slept in his uniform just in case the race broke out early.
Schookums, Dad, and I arrived at the race to a cold, driving rain storm. It was pretty miserable.
Ryker did well for his first race!
He didn't want to ride home with us, but instead sat on the bus with his friends.
We left Gyker and drove to Bridgeport to watch Rock play MS football. The weather was perfect and beautiful. Rock played left DE for the first time ever and figured it our pretty quick.

DeA stayed bundled up, even though the temperature was 20 degrees warmer and there were clear skies. Rock got his bell rung right before halftime and they sent him home with us to rest. We thought we beat Ryker and the bus home, but Jefe had dropped him off at home and Ryker didn't have a way to tell us. He was eating cereal at Mom and Dad's while Dad was waiting at the school and DeA and tending to Rock. Finally Ryker came flying through the door, excited to tell us about his run and bus ride.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of both of those boys! Hope Rock is feeling better now.
