Monday, February 14, 2022

Puerto Vallarta Part 3: DeA Stays Positive

Remeber how DeA was sick before we left but started feeling better? Well, at breakfast on Tuesday she loudly announced that she couldn't taste anything. We had her take a test that we stole from Rissa Turd and of course it just had to be positive. It was faint, but still positive. 
The boys discovered a love for pool. One of the restaurants had a table and the boys spent quite a bit of time scuffing the felt and trying to put holes in the wall.
Ryker was determined to avoid eating Mexican food, and instead ordered things like a medium-rare ribeye.
We tried to teach him how to eat without looking like he was stabbing the steak to death.
The group wanted churros, and there werent' the street vendors like there were three years ago. We found some at the Route 66 Diner, which was a little concerning. They were okay, like they were made by gringos.
Ryker accidently walked up Rock's shoe and hurt his pinky toe, he asked me to look at it on the street while I was trying to eat a churro. I checked it and then tried to eat the churro without using my hands.
Jens ordered more Mexican food than Ryker, but breakfast was still Nutella pancakes with strawberries.
Ryker was dissatisfied with the way that Nutella was spread on his pancakes, so he purchased a small jar at a gas station and took it with him to breakfast.
The kids kind of hit a wall on Tuesday, and with Sicko DeA, it seemed appropriate to chill a little.
Jens spotted the parasail guys that Rock was constantly asking about (along with an HDMI cord) so we ran him out there to meet the guys.
Oh yeah, this looks professional.

DeA was okay with everything until Rock got 200 ft in the air, then she suddenly realized that OSHA standards do not apply down here.
He made it to the ground safely, and DeA could go back to sitting by the pool and not tasting things.


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