Friday, December 16, 2022

Christmas Tree!!

We tried to load up and go get our tree out of the woods, but there was so much ice and snow that we couldn't make it without chains (which we didn't have ready). Thankfully, Travis and Megan had a tree that they had planted but couldn't use so we traded some delicious goose meat for it.
It's a pretty cool tree.

Leo enjoyed the tree decorating, because it distracted DeA enough that she didn't notice that he was on the couch.

Pretty cozy way to watch football and to celebrate the holidays.
DeA made a turkey with a ball sack waddle for primary. Very appropriate. 
We are unabashedly hinchas de Argentina. The Mexican kids in Ryker's class were not happy about the Albiceleste knocking off the Tri, and they taught Ryker some very colorful words. He doubled down the next day by wearing his jersey.
Every kid on the hockey team has to play goalie at least once. Ryker did pretty well, considering that he didn't want to do it and hated every minute.
The pads didn't fit, the blocker had a tear in it, the mask stunk like someone else's sweat...basically what I'm saying is he never wants to play goalie again.


1 comment:

  1. The tree is gorgeous! I love the ratio of lights to tree! I'm always so nervous when Hudson plays goalie. How were your nerves? I know it's a long shot, but does he have any games while we are there?
