Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Kitchen Table

Ever since our first trip to Coeur D'Alene and DeA discovered the rustic furniture store, she has dreamed of a rustic dining room table. Her dream finally became reality when her custom table was ready for pick-up. We loaded the trailer and drove through the fog to pick it up. It was a fun date weekend for New Year's.
I think she was excited.
DeA was definitely chomping at the bit to pick up the table, she didn't even workout!
She wanted to make extra sure that the table, chairs, and bench would be protected.
The base was too big to fit in the front door. Dad had the great idea to load it into a tractor bucket and drive it around to the deck. DeA was not a fan of this plan, and hid in the house and cried that she couldn't watch.
Here's the thing, I had just paid for this thing and driven five hours in fog and ice to get it home. Did she really think that I wanted it ruined?
Dad lifted it up with the bucket to the deck where Javi and I could pull it in. Then I had to attach the base to the top, and again DeA left saying that she couldn't watch. 
Thanks to Dad and Javi's help, the table was finally assembled and turned right side up.
Finally she looked happy and kind of appreciative.

It looked great, and we will create lots of memories when the kids are finally allowed to use it.

It took about a week, but the placemats finally arrived and now we can eat pre-approved foods on the table, with her supervision. 


1 comment:

  1. If not for bumps and obstacles what fun would we have? Besides, If is fell off think of all the viral videos Ryker could post
