Friday, January 1, 2010


While 2009 wasn't the most well-behaved year, it was pretty good to us. We had a very blessed year. In memory of the departed, we decided to look back at the year that was.

'09 started with Rock helping Grandma Lisa with her laundry.
It also brought Marissa to crash on our couch and her Wii to play with.
This picture was taken in '08, but I didn't remember it until '09, so it made the cut.
Grappy Dale visited when he brought Marissa, and that was fun.
Rock discovered root beer, but he knew how to drink in moderation.
Rock and Connor both turned one this year!! They celebrated with a cake munching contest.
Rock had his second Valentine's day, and got all excited to give away a Valentine.
Rock didn't like getting rejected, and so he showed his feelings.
DeA gained a TON of weight one day, and Rock wasn't sure what was going on.
He got to play in a cool ball pit from Grammy Rae!
Rock and Connor celebrated their birthdays in style with the Roc-Con-abration!!
I took (and passed) part II national boards. While I took the exams DeA, Rissa and Rock went to Galena and stayed at a condo. This was also when I got a call from DeA telling me that I made her lie, and that she would never forgive me. She would later forgive me...barely.
Rock learned how cool it was to chill naked in front of a fireplace
He received a pretty good haircut, and I received an extended period of silence from my wife. I also learned that it isn't fun to sleep on the couch.
Nick grew a mustache until the local grade schools started getting nervous.
Rock played some more in his ball pit.
We drove down to Memphis to see Ben and Shannon...and MACEY!!
Rock had a hankering for bacon
Rock and the animals in our backyard started a revolution. It ended tragically when Rock was bought off with chocolate milk.
Rock gave potty training a didn't take.
Aaron and I had an awesome, totally sweet action birthday party with a monster slip-n-slide!
Rock got in a fight with the floor. He won the fight, but did lose a tooth.
Rock and Connor went on a road trip, just like Harry and Lloyd.
I flew to Honduras for a clinic trip. While I was there I taught some kids how to be awesome at soccer (inside tip: use your frickin' hands!).
Some other stuff happened that I am still not completely allowed to talk about, but it was pretty fun and exciting.
I escaped Honduras just in time to catch a Mariners game with my sweet wife and family.
Rock had fun playing on Grammy's new toys.
He really liked playing on Grappy's new toy.
DeA started feeling tired all the time...
Rock and Connor played at the mall one last time together.
Rock helped me study for Part III boards (and helped me pass!)
Grammy Rae came out to visit him for a few days!
We went up to Wisconsin for a weekend with Ben and Shannon...and MACEY. He still loves root beer, and doesn't think he has a problem.
Ben and Shannon took us to a cool ice cream place...but that didn't really end well.

Rock loved himself some Washington apples!
DeA still felt tired all the time, and now her belly started to bulge out a little. We started taking pictures of her against the wall like this...
and then someone else wanted in on that attention.
DeA tried playing 'The Oregon Trail' on the computer to prepare for our trip west, but stopped because she started getting scared.
Rock showed everybody what his mommy has taught him.
DeA and the other Palmer wives got their doctorate degrees in husband nagging.
We took Rock to the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, and he go to play with all the cool tractors.
We also let him play on tractors at Waspi Farms before Halloween.
Rock won a prize for being such a cute little golfer.
Boulder finally showed us what he thinks of us...he's either mooning us or showing us that he's all boy.
Rock bid farewell to his ladies in Iowa.
DeA and Rock flew out to Oregon, and away from Davenport forever. She's not sure how she felt about that.
My dad flew out to help me drive this fun truck all the way out to Oregon.
The little guy got in a fight with the rocking chair, and got this cool scar out of it.
"I don't have a problem!!"
I flew back to Iowa to take Part IV boards (I passed!!) and close on our house. It was a stressful, long and stressful trip. When I got home Rock found my roadtrip foods and helped himself.
Rock was excited to play with his uncle Derek over Thanksgiving. They played 'throw me around in this basket'.
Rock realizes that he might have a problem.
Rock moved into a new house with a personal backyard.
Rock loved watching the Cougars score touchdowns!!
For Christmas we flew up to Manson, and Rock liked helping Santa with his work.
Nick turned 24...sort of.
He received many cool presents, and one possessed car.
We all played in a great Reindeer Game. The good guys won 7-5.
After coming home from Christmas, Rock chilled in his perfect football recliner.
We traded in our Intrepid for this Ford Escape. We sat in the dealership for four hours working everything out. The whole time DeA kept saying how excited she was...until we climbed in to drive away, then she said "What have we done?"
We celebrated a great New Years Eve with the Clement's, and then Rock crashed at about 9:30pm.
Despite going to bed early, he still slept today like he partied all night.
So, there you go 2009, we will miss you. We are looking forward to the events of 2010: Boulder will be born sometime around the 22nd of February, Rock will turn two, I will be an official Doctor of Chiropractic, DeA will compete in the Pig Jig run and buy me a PS3.

Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your summary of the whole year. It's like your own personal Christmas card to the masses. Miss you all.
