Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring Break!!

Spring Break is a fun time for the kids. Not so much for Mom, but the kids love it. I brought Jens to work with me to get her away from her mom's bad influence.
  We met up with everyone else at the park before walking to the drive-in for dinner.
 Ryker tried to be a good brother and knock her off of the toy. 
 Eventually we all made it for dinner. 
 Wyatt and Ryker showed everyone what kind of goobers they could be.
 Lil' Baby Luke ate a fistful of fries like an apple. All in all, it was a fun time at the park.
 DeA and the kids went to Leavenworth for a few days. We had the annual hot dog roast down at Willow Point.
 It was pretty exciting.
 Leo was jealous that Jens got to come to work with me, so I brought him instead of leaving him home all day. He found a mini me. 
 All the kids ended up at the office for a morning. It was fun to have them hang out with me, even if they felt like they were locked away in the back room and told to be quiet.  
 Of course there was a lot of time up at the knoll. Jens thought Leo looked lonely outside, so she went and hung out with him. 
 DeA and Rock had their own ideas for appropriate Spring Break activities.

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