Sunday, June 21, 2020

First Party in the New House

Jens' birthday was the same weekend that we moved in, that meant we got to have a party to celebrate Jens and the house. Leo and Hadley set up where the food was. 
 Maddy made Jens a sweet unicorn cake. Jensley loves unicorns! 
 She also loves not smiling at the camera.

 Watch out! Hadley is going to get the unicorn!

 Samantha Courtney made her a unicorn shall/coat/robe thing. Jens loved it!

 Even though we are in the house, the house is not done. They came and put the deck railings and glass up. It makes it easier to enjoy the view. 
 Leo is living the ruff life.
 Our couches arrived and now it is starting to feel like we can relax and settle in.
 Jensley photobomb!

 A new house needs a new mailbox. 
 They took turns "working". Ryker didn't like that our mailbox could fit inside Mom and Dad's.

 Ryker insisted on putting on the address stickers. DeA wants you to remember that when you drive by and see them crooked.
 Looks like we are settling in just nicely. 

1 comment:

  1. It is soo nice to have "new" neighbors. Not so sure they come by to burrow a cup of sugar, but it is still sweet to have them.
