Friday, July 12, 2024

Family, Camping, and Family

Apparently, Lindsea didn't like the way that Rock was holding Sofia
We had a family picnic with street tacos at Singleton, DeA was looking especially smoking.
After, we helped load of the Trumans so that they could escape to Idaho.
DeA loves to cocoon herself into the couch and do her homework until she falls asleep
Luca eats his cinnamon rolls like an apple
The boys had YM camp. Ryker was not sure about it, he said that he hats hiking and hates being in groups. He ended up loving hiking (he wants to do the hikes again as a family) and he loved his group.
Rock and I had to work on Tuesday, so he came up with me after work on Wednesday. I stayed in Bishop's tent and his cpap died at 2am, but as I told him, he didn't wake me up with his snoring because I was already up with mine. We hiked into Lake Rachel with 10 deacons. I had a great time with Bishop and Broc that I used to hang out with in high school. It was wet, it was cold, one of the boys wouldn't put on mine extra pair of dry shoes.
Rock told me that he wasn't tired and could drive, but this was five minutes after leaving dinner.
Rock was excited to cuddle with Leo when he got home.
I guess he missed camping because he started a fire in the pit.
Baby Sofia definitely missed us.
DeA seemed to miss me, so that was nice.

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