Saturday, July 20, 2024

Full Blown Summer

Ryker loves fishing for YM activities
Half-naked Max joined us for scripture study
Horcha was so pregnant that she looked like a furry football.
Amber's kittens are pretty cute, but the gray one in the middle might be everyone's favorite.
Horchata decided to go into labor around midnight on Saturday. Glad she had some privacy.
Huddy joined my deacon quorum class and decided that he didn't like where we had picture hung.
Javi was held up in a meeting and Rissa was waiting in their van without keys, so I gave them a ride to Sunday lunch.
Rissa taught the kids how to play Mafia. Some of the kids didn't have very good poker faces.
The cats pretty much just nurse whichever kittens are closest.
I don't know what happened, but Luca wasn't allowed to eat inside with everyone else.
The cats kept swapping boxes, so we just got them a big kiddie pool to do some communal parenting.
The older orange kitten liked cuddling with the younger kitten.


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