Friday, May 22, 2009

Birthday Recap!

So yesterday I woke up to the sound of pans clanging together and bowls getting thrown around, and I ran out to see what DeAndra was making for breakfast. But she wasn't anywhere in the kitchen (which concerns me, since I thought she understood a woman's role better than this), instead Rock was forming a rock band with Rufus and wanted to practice his percussion.
DeAndra wasn't making breakfast since she had a better plan: The Machine Shed. It's this cool restaurant that is country themed that we had always heard about but never visited. It was awesome! They gave Rock a sweet John Deere tractor to play with and DeAndra made him a cute little farmer's bib.

The nice farmer in the next table over asked Rock if he'd had any problems with teenagers camping in his fields this year, and Rock let him know what he thought of teenagers. It was a good dinner, except due to the fact that it was farm themed they made us go tend the field after breakfast.
Rock isn't so sure that he likes birthdays that aren't his. He had a hard time sharing the attention.
He got so jealous that at one point he started warming up his blow dart gun. Look at the size of that blow dart, it could take down an Oprah!

I have to admit that I got taken well care of this year. DeAndra gave me a spending allowance (with help from Ma and Pa and the Judds!!!) for some new golf clubs that I will pick up soon! Nick sent me this awesome little helmet autographed by Robbie Bosco! And in case you are wondering, it is to small for Rock's massive head, and so those pictures aren't happening.
And then I got these autographed golf balls from Princess Whitni and her loyal followers (I'm assuming that means Mom, Dad, Marissa, Lindsea, Sabri and the surgical resident from her knee surgery). They were signed by the Seahawks that participated in the Bear Mt. Golf Tournament that Whitni helped officiate over. Who were the Seahawks? Nobody knows, but you can read about Whitni's adventure here.
Thanks everybody for a great birthday!