Monday, May 25, 2009

Cowboy Rock

Rock's latest project has been to tame the wild horses that he catches in his wild horse trap. He keeps the trap in the mall, right between the space shuttle and the purple car being driven by a rat. He finally got the horse to the point where he could ride it, and ride it he did! Notice the proper body lean, that helps build up speed.

I let Rock eat two Peanut M&Ms on our way out of the mall today. I thought he really liked them, since his lips turned blue and yellow, but it turns out he's not a fan of the peanuts.
Those are the peanuts on his car seat strap. I guess he's leaving them there for later, but maybe he thinks they kind of look like bullets on a gun belt. This is his latest smile, he thinks that the cheesier it is, the better.


  1. The way he locks his legs on the flanks shows he is a real cowboy! All he needs now is a hat. Gpa DE

  2. He is looking so grown up! Now we'll have to get a horse.
