Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back from Graduation, and a Little Catch Up Is Due

Grammy Rae came down to watch Rock while I was in Iowa and DeA was in the hospital with Ryker and Mawma Zista. I don't think she believed us when we told her that Rock is kind of high maintenance, but she learned first hand. During the day she would come to the hospital for a little break from the Rock monster, and found lil' Ryker a little easier to handle.
During the first 22 months of his life, Rock slept a total of two hours, and over 16587 hours pooping. Ryker is almost the opposite. He is so calm, passive and will sleep! What awesomeness! He still poops like Rock...but he is his mommy's son, so genetics have probably doomed us.
When he sleeps he is especially cute because he dreams of giant rivers of delicious milk, and that makes him happy.
Rock had the same dreams when he was the same age. Can you see the similarities?
The Grandmas loved holding their little joys...who would have thought?
"Hey Ryker, I bet you a football that you can't do something terrible to Mawma Zista's leg."
"I win!"
"Here you go little bro. But, I'll probably take it back soon since you can't chase me."
Grammy Rae posed with the boys before she left, Rock looks happy because he doesn't know that Grammy is leaving.
Rock had to relinquish his Mickey hat after it started walking on its own, and so Grammy bought him a new one to hold him over while Mickey is in the dishwasher.
Rock doesn't like going to bed while Ryker is still awake, since he thinks we are partying without him. But he really likes having a crib party with him, then he knows that he's not getting left out.

When I got home the boys showed me their new tricks; Ryker learned how to properly pose for pictures.And Rock learned my new title after graduation!


  1. I'll be back in Klamath Falls for a few days starting the 7th. Let me know when you are ready for more visitors. I would love to come and meet the newest England.

  2. I love their crib party. I can't wait to see you all!

  3. Ryker is growing pretty well. Rock is being the great big brother we all knew he would be. Grammy slept ALL the way home from Seattle. She had an hour delay in Portland to boot.

  4. From Grammy Rae!. Can I come back tomorrow? I miss the softness of Ryker's cheek and the feel of Rock's hand taking me on some adventure.

  5. I've noticed his hat was getting a little dirty. Go Spidey-Rock.

  6. Is Ryker smiling in that picure of the boys in the crib? He is a way cute baby!

  7. I just wanna know more about DeA's bowel habits... ;-)
