Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Epic Story of the Birth of Ryker!!!

Feb 22, 2010 at 9am: A young mother-to-be-for-the-second-time enters the hospital to deliver her baby boy. They make her put on a hospital robe.
9:15: She's still wearing the hospital robe.
10:15: She finds out that her delivery will be later. She is distraught (hence the black and white photo, it shows that this is serious).
12:30: She puts on a shower cap, hoping that it will hurry things along, since the doctors will think she needs to take a shower soon. It kind of works, because they take her in at 1:45 pm.
Sometime about the same time but maybe earlier or later, I don't know for sure: Our families wait in the waiting room, but try not to complain about having to do in the waiting room what it was named to be used for. Still no word on Momma and her baby.
A little bit after the previous time, that I am not going to retype: Rock wonders if the rumors about his Mommy cheating on him with another baby are true.
10:15: Grappy Dale drives all the way from Manson to be with everyone else for the birth of Ryker. He is also here to help Rock waste time and eat lots and lots of M&M's.
2:32: Rock feels a disturbance in the attention field around him. He decides it must be nothing.
2:45: Rock helps Grandpa Hugh find more M&M's, and if he should find more than he needs...well, Rock will be there to help with that, too.
Meanwhile, 50 ft away at 2:32 pm: Ryker is born!! What a cute little muscle pose.
His vitals: 7 lb 13 oz, 19.5 inches. 675 squat max, 435 bench max, 4.34 40 time, 1600 on his SATs before his eyes even opened!
4:00 pm: Mommy and Ryker are ready for company, but Rock isn't ready to realize that his mommy does have a new baby in her life! He's not entirely sure about this whole situation.
4:25: After wandering around in a fog of disbelief, Rock notices that people are holding the baby and seem to like it. So he decided to give it a try, and put his arms out and said "hold, hold". It seemed to melt his little tender heart. He even gave Ryker big brother kisses (not the sissy slobbery mommy kisses).
4:30: Ryker seems to like his big brother, too. Well, at least he didn't try to claw his eyes out like he did to Daddy.
4:35: Lindsey gets to hold Ryker and thinks to herself "Hmm...this is a lot different than the sack of flour they gave us in Child Development as school".
5:00: While Rock liked the little brother, he liked even more playing with all the cool hospital stuff, like rubber gloves and catheters.
5:30: Lil' Ryker gets ready to take his first bath. I think he was excited...but then again he's just a newborn so I'm not really sure that he knows what is going on.
5:35: Ryker learns that he has no privacy, other than a strategically placed nurse's arm.
DeA is doing great, and is recovering nicely. If someone wants to call her (since our phones don't get reception in the hospital) you can call me and I will give you her hospital number.
Oh, and you didn't think I forgot what today is, do you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DeAndra!!!I love you!! I am very lucky to have tricked you into marrying me!!


  1. Congratulations!!! A billion times. He is so cute. I am glad you are doing well and that he is a healthy baby boy! Happy Birthday! My thoughts are with you during this recovery time! Lots and lots of love, take good care of yourself!

  2. Yay! Congrats on Ryker and Happy Birthday DeA! I tried calling but it went right to voicemail...

  3. I can't wait to hold Ryker! Rock is going to be an awesome older brother.
    Happy Birthday DeA!!

  4. Ryker! Also, Lindsea mentioned on facebook about Ryker flipping off the camera. Well, I think he got that from DeA, check out her baby picture there.

  5. Ryker! That's adorable, and so is he! Congrats--- we are SO excited for you guys!! XOXO

  6. Congratulations! He is just beautiful. I do think, though, that Ryker sounds suspiciously close to "Stryker Ramon" which was Ben's favorite boy name!

  7. such a fun day and two cute boys. congrats!!!

  8. Awesome and congrats!! You just need 3 more to field a b-ball team or 9 more for football. You better get busy!!

  9. Congratulations! All the Gordons are way excited for Rock's new baby brother. Carter wants to get with Ryker and play soon! Happy Birthday DeAndra!

  10. Congrats from us! We're so happy for you and glad to know everyone is healthy.

  11. OH, Christopher says congratulations too, but this is really Janae. :)

  12. Congratulations! We are so happy that everything went well and that you have plenty of family to take care of you while Aaron's gone!

  13. This was the best birth update ever! Congrats you guys. He's so adorable, it makes me want to conceive one right now...well not now...well maybe now...anyway, congrats. Oh, and happy birthday DeAndra! How awesome that you get to share it with baby Ryker!!!

  14. Yea! Congratulations! Happy Birthday Dee!

  15. Congrats compañero! Glad to hear that everything is going great.

    Side note--while his squat max is fairly impressive for a 5-minute old, his score of 1600 on the SAT is actually just above average since the total possible score is now 2400. I'm not saying that being in the 60th percentile is not impressive for a baby on his 90th breath, but you may want to consider a private tutor or at the very least a review course.
