Friday, May 10, 2024

Luca brought me a freezer-burned popsicle, had me rinse it off in the sink, and then hid in the cubby to eat it. Who knows what is going on in that kid's mind.
The weather has been very spring-ish.
Like I said, who knows what this kid is thinking?
Rock played well in their last playoff game, had a perfect sac bunt, advanced the runner beautifully on a hit and run, and then got ump'd in his last at bat.
Leo helped me move the snake. He stood behind me as a lifted him by the tail and placed him in a bucket. After the snake was contained, Leo pretended to be very bold and growled at the edge of the bucket, but never quite over the top of it.
Dad even watches from Narnia while at track meets
Ryker only did two events because the hurdles are scary and they wouldn't let them use a 6th grader on the relay team. So, obviously he did the high and long jumps because using his long legs and endurance for the 800 or 1600 was too easy or who knows why.
He has shown some great improvement overall, we are very proud of him!
We got their pictures back, Rock went with the "hey ladies" look
While Ryker went with the "Hey, LAYDEES!!" look.

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