Friday, May 31, 2024

Stehekin, Day 2

The first time we stayed at the Ranch, we did Agnes Gorge the first morning. Now, we only do Agnes Gorge. Never Bridge Ck, never Agnes Ck, only Agnes Gorge. This time we had a red-headed straggler.
Selfie with the photobomb
We pack a lunch for the hike, but also hurry on the hike to make sure that we make it back in time for lunch at the Ranch. The Ranch meals are very important.

Every year, our post-hike selfies are looking less and less ragged.

Max had to pee, so I waited while he found a tree and the other went on. I found a patch of wildflowers so I started picking some. Max finished his business and ran along, I stayed behind for maybe five minutes before following. Soon DeA came running back down the trail looking for me and said "when you didn't show up we were worried that you collapsed or something!". I didn't know that I seemed that out of shape.
Leo eats his prime rib like nature intended, with a swollen eye and no knife.
The other guests were probably annoyed that we took up almost a whole table.
Dinner selfie!

His eye was pretty, pretty bad.
DeA and I love our post-dinner walks

She is pretty.


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