Monday, June 24, 2024

Brookings, OR, the banana belt of the Oregon Coast

We attended church on Sunday morning and then met up with Uncle Dewek. He tried to bury sleeping Rock
Ryker thought it was a good idea and joined in.
Grayson finally showed up in the afternoon with his salted caramel flavored formula
Grayson is a cute little guy who does his ab workouts religiously.
Duster-dude showed up a little after Lindsey's crew and the hectic time had begun
I don't know why DeA was dressed like the unabomber

They had a favorite pizza place that Derek wanted to try, Jens was happy to be at the kids table.
Ryker and Rock tried to fit in with the adults at the other table.
The kids finished eating well before the Judds did (no surprise), so I took them down to the water to see who could get wet first.
I caught the prettiest fish in the sea.
Derek had to go back to work the next day, something about someone having to pay for the trip. We had almost everyone, only missing Marissa and Davis.
After pizza, it was back to the beach for more fires and sand and pretty Schnoogies.
The kids loved throwing things into the ocean.

We watched this crabbing/fishing boat go in and out of the harbor, it seemed like a burden for such a big ship in a smaller marina, but it just kept checking its spots all day and most of the night.
The whole point of the trip was spending time with family at the beach with a bonfire.
The kids got to talk and sit with their grandparents.

Rock played catch with Grandpa
They spent time with cousins
I got to cuddle with Schnookums in the cool ocean breeze
Rock got to rock his cool aviators
Ryker went on a walk with Mama Zista, Scnoogles, and me and decided to climb a rock.
He seemed to surprise himself with how tall the rock was once he was on the top of it.
Of course, the teenager had to take a picture.
Mama Zista and Sexy DeA didn't wait for the rock climbing.
Greg described holding Grayson as holding a bag of soup, and he was right, but he's a bag a soup that smiles all the time.

The Jens
S'mores, s'mores, and more s'mores

We were only all together for really one day, but it was well-spent

We left Tuesday and drove through Coos Bay and found pancakes
We stopped in Portland to stay the night. We were close to the temple and walked around with the kids at sunset.
The driving caused a hunger, so we hit 4th meal. I don't know why DeA was surprised that a Taco Bell at 9:30pm would smell like marijuana...

We planned it out in advance, and had an appointment to do baptisms on Wednesday morning.
After spending too much at Deseret Book, and a CFA stop, we busted on home. It was a quick, but great, road trip.


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