Thursday, February 6, 2025

Moses Hole Hockey Tourney

The last hockey tournament of the season was in Moses Hole. The game Friday night was so late that DeA and I had time to go to the temple between work and puck drop.
The rink is outdoor but covered. It was cold and windy and smelled like cows. The boys got to play on the same shift quite a few times.
Friday night postgame party involved Nachos Bell Grande and a five-layered burrito, just like old days.
We had an early game the next morning, Rock thinks it was a conspiracy to keep the Wenatchee peeps in their contracted hotels. It was even colder and windier and the sun was glaring on the ice. 
You can smell him from here.
We took the boys to the temple between games and Rock was baptized for Dave Judd. No, not that one, he is still alive.
She has many layers on.
They had to play a Vancouver select team that was pretty good, but the boys played well and held their own.
Rock tried schmoozing the refs between periods, but it didn't work.
We stopped at Chico's pizza. We were told that they loaded up on the toppings, which was true. The only problem is that they didn't load up on the sauce and cheese to the toppings just went everywhere. 6/10 stars, would stop again like on a youth trip.
We saw Horchata running up the driveway as were were driving up the hill. Ryker was pretty proud that she would come back to him and he carried her home.
Two little Tazmanian Devils sitting on their chargers.
DeA claimed that she didn't want to take a nap, but she made herself a cocoon and settled in for what looked like a wonderful nap.
She is trying to nail down her perfect no-bake recipe, she did one batch with evaporated milk and another with real milk to see the difference side-by-side. 


Monday, February 3, 2025

Jens B-Ball

Our life isn't all hockey, it's also Jensley ballin' out. She still bounces her head while she runs down the court.

Sitting in the car, sitting on the hard bleachers, and then sitting the car is starting to get to DeA's beautiful seat.
Shoot it!
Baby Sofia must not have been feeling well if she was letting someone beside Nama hold her.
The dogs found a dead squirrel and played with it for a few days. DeA was not a fan.
We have the best scripture studies in this family.
Her first home game was a banger, she played both games and had a bucket in each one.
Beautiful Schnoogies is beautiful. 
Rock loves rocking his Hockey Mom sweatshirt while making his classic artisan sourdough sandwich. 


Friday, January 24, 2025

The Judds' Visit

Papa Dave and Mama Zista came up to watch hockey and basketball. Ryker made sure that Dave understood how hard it was to hit top shelf on a one-timer.

Poor Schnoogies had to do homework while we played games.
Rock took a knee to the eyebrow during middle school PE. It is turning into quite a shiner.
The boys had their Apple Cup tournament over the weekend. DeA and I had to volunteer to run clock and keep score. The kids decided that a booth built for two people was big enough for all of us.
Uncle Nick sent over some slappin' green chili hot sauce. Jens tried it and wasn't ready for the hotness of it.
The Monday morning game wasn't as early as it could have been. The boys played well.
It's hard to get good pictures while stuck in a glass case of emotion and running the clock.
Sometimes Milo needs a break from Luca and Leo.
Ryker really wanted some industrial looking tables for his 3D printer farm. Grandpa Dave was more than happy to help him out.
Ryker seemed to enjoy learning and building, but it wore him out.
They turned out great. A long one, a short one, and a baby one.
Those printers aren't going to weeble, wobble or fall down.
I really like this screensaver thing at the office.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

January Stuff

Ryker printed me a BYU helmet, but Maddy's daughter decided that she is a big BYU fan now.
One thinks it is summer and the other one thinks we are hiking to the South Pole
I set up a picture slideshow on my monitor at work, I like seeing Schnoogies and the kids all day long.
Ryker busted out the Magnum PI shirt and started sniping pucks.
The combined activity was a spaghetti dinner, but the kids had to be tied to the people next to them. It was pretty funny to watch.
It was a little messy, but they seemed to have fun.
Someone left the TV remote in the treadmill I was using and I had to support Ryker's channel.
I bought these cheap drain weasels from Marshalls, DeA seriously doubted how they would work. It pulled out a hair clog the size of a ferret.
Horchata is lonely in the garage ever since Amber ran away and likes to stretch in front of visitors and wait for tummy scratches.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

New Year's Party Recovery

I didn't have Rock's video of the bonfire being lit with tannerite, so here you go:
He spent New Year's Day at Echo and then at Mission Ridge. He ended up stuck on the lift for over three hours, until after midnight, because it malfunctioned. He finally decided to rest on Friday but only because we made him.
He wasn't the only one.
Saturday was a hockey day. They had their first game at 11:30, and then we had to wait around until 7:15 for the second game. 

They had quite the cheering section with Nama and Hampa, Rissa's crew, and Rock's flight instructor.
Sofia loved the cheering.
Rock and Hampa want to buy a plane, and there was a plane for sale at the airport. We checked it out, but the financing on a plane with a timed-out engine and a 16-year-old pilot is pretty tough to get.
I don't know why, but we decided to measure the family's guns.
We love this YouTube channel called "Thumb Follow Me" that's a cartoon with thumbprint characters. It is meant for younger kids, but we still made our kids make Thumb Art to email in.

Even Schnoogies and I got in on the arting.
I think the kids thought we were bluffing, but we really did send in their artwork.
DeA made it clear that I had better not be bluffing about sending hers in.

We have very effective scripture study here, especially with all gas, no brake Rock.