Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's About Stinkin' Time!

Both of them. The same time. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't taken the pictures myself.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rock Skiing, Ryker's Blessing and Moving

This was the second and last week that I lived in Renton, while my family stayed and played in Oregon. Derek and Lindsey took Rock up to Mt. Ashland to enjoy the sun and snow. Rock really liked the chairlift, and wasn't afraid to fall since he was one giant coat marshmallow.
Rock kept trying to take off down the hill and race, but Derek held him under wraps.
After a while Derek got bored of propelling himself down the hill, so he turned Rock into his little husky.
Rock really liked skiing, so now he's trying to convince Derek to come up to Renton and visit all the sweet Washington ski hills, like Steven's Pass, Mt. Baker or Whistler...oh wait..
Lindsey and Rock both rocked the shades, but Rock was having trouble with his hat.Meanwhile, back at the house, Rock and Ryker continued to bond while Rock poked Ryker in the back of the throat.
Rissa came to visit, and took quite possibly the cutest picture in the history of photography.
Rock learned how to pose for pictures, and 'made' DeA take lots of pictures of herself. Yup, he made her, since she doesn't like to take pictures of herself.
They even let Ryker in on the fun, but he didn't pose as well.
DeA and the boys stayed some of the nights with DeA's family, and Rock loved munching Mawma Zista's yummy food.
It was so good that he thought he was flying like an airplane. Wait...those were the brownies that Mawma bought at the new bakery in Ashland...
Friday night after work I set off to retrieve my family from Central Point. My Mom and Dad were ahead of me, and would call to check up on me every once in a while. On one of the calls Dad asked what time I was going to be there, and I said 1:30. He responded "Oh good, that's what time the kids get Sherry's in, Sherry's." So I texted Nick to ask what his plans were that night, and he didn't know anything about Sherry, so I used my super-awesome deductive powers to deduce that some of my siblings were coming.

The girls didn't let Nick know that he was going to have to help us move, and he let us know that he might not have made the trip if he knew he was going to be moving couches. At least he had some good help.
Rock helped move so much stuff that he got a little warm and sweaty. The sweat was just wet and sticky enough to let the girls have some fun with his hair.
Sunday was another big day, since it was the day that we blessed lil' Ryker. He didn't like having to dress up in tight and dressy clothes, but he put on his best show.
Some poets have suggested that our lives are like well crafted novels, with chapters and headings and a table of contents. If that is true, then here we are saying goodbye to our dear home in Central Point, and closing this Oregon chapter in our lives.
Also, if our lives were a novel, this chapter would be kind of like that short chapter where you think that the author kind of just phoned in, you know, like he had to have so many chapters written by some deadline and he was watching football all weekend, and so kind of wrote a short chapter since he didn't think he had to worry about a page count. Get it? Because this was a short chapter in our lives. Get it now?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lonely in Renton

I've been living up in Renton for about a week now while R, R and DeA hang out in Oregon. Our internet was finally hooked up yesterday, and to keep the fans happy I found some pictures on my phone (or, you can all call DeA tomorrow and ask her to post some pictures, since her and boys are the only things people come here to see). Rock is helping Derek get the garden and flower beds ready for the summer. Rock ended up teaching him how to attach the PTO shaft on the tiller.

DeA has been reporting that lil' Rock and Ryker are both eating like champs. Due to her 'boundaries' and 'morals' she won't let me post pictures of Ryker eating, so here's one of Rock.
"Uh oh, got some on my shoe. I'll just go ahead and lick that off..."

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ryker's Point of View

Our little guy is still growing and eating and pooping and sleeping (not necessarily in that order or in equal proportions). He thought it would be cool to let people into his life. Mostly it's chill, he just lays being held. Sometimes he eats or poops, but DeA didn't think either of those were photo appropriate. He does like playing with Rock, especially when he is at his level and heavily, heavily supervised.
See, no problems here. Lots and lots of fun.
Ryker's only beef is when no one is around and he sees this:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trip Round Up, Rock's Achievement and Big News!!

We made it home from Washington on Thursday morning and quickly realized that we had left our camera behind. It arrived yesterday from Grappy Dale, so we had some cuteness on there to clean up and post. First, Rock found where Grammy and Grappy kept their gloves, and he was able to try on all different kinds.
He also found their stocking caps, and he felt that was what his rapping career was missing.
Grappy didn't mind if Rock went through their groceries, and Rock took complete advantage of it.
We finally made it home super early Thursday morning after a stop in sound Seattle (more on that later...). Rock and Ryker were able to sleep the whole drive in the car, which meant that they woke up just before sunrise after we got home. We decided to let them police themselves all morning, and ended up with scenes like this:
Rock would switch between being homicidal and loving, so I'm sure Ryker was very comfortable with the whole situation.
Recently Rock has started letting us know when the ol' fire hose is about to burst, but up until now the whole number two thing has kind of eluded him. After a few turds on the living room carpet, he finally made it to the toilet in time!! He pushed and he grunted until this came out and he could say "Ta Da!!".
Here is a picture of Renton, Washington.

Why would I internet steal and post a random picture of Renton? Well, walk with me while I tell you a little story: Once upon a time, there was a family named the Englands. They moved to Central Point, Oregon and thought they were going to settle in for a nice little while. After a few months there, they started to feel that maybe things weren't going to work out with their situation. After graduating from school, Aaron was faced with the task of finding a new job. After looking around for a few weeks he was given an interview with a doctor in Chelan. He loaded up his wife and little kids to make the drive north. The interview didn't go as well as planned, so Aaron and DeAndra were back to square one. They found a classified ad for a practice in Renton, WA, and so Aaron sent in his resume. After a few communications back and forth, it was agreed that they would stop by the practice on their way through Seattle. Well, to make a long story (and a flat joke) short, they were offered the job! It is a really great opportunity, and it gives us time to learn and grow before (and if) we decide to venture out on our own. So, this week I'm moving up to Renton to start my new job!! We are really sad to leave Central Point and DeA's family, but feel that things have happened the way they have for a reason. We are blessed, thankful, and humbled at how well we have been taken care of by our families. We couldn't have asked for more supportive parents and family!

Anyway, so the blog now has a new look and title. Hope you like it!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Santa Vaca!!

We were gallivanting around town this morning running errands, checking snipped genitalia, breaking know, the usual parenting. When we got home Rock took his pants and diaper off, then ran into the bathroom and....
WOO HOO!!!!!!
He was pretty proud of what he did in the toilet, and got off of the toilet and yelled 'Ta Da!!'
The only problem is that now he thinks he's a big boy, and big boys don't wear diapers. But...he also thinks big boys don't wear any other clothes either.
He was rightfully pleased with his accomplishments, until...
"Uh oh...."
Even after we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house he still insisted on being mostly neked. That's why this picture is darker, it makes it more artistic.
Good job, Rock!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Phone Clean Up

Well folks, it's that time again: Time to clean the pictures off of my phone! On Wednesday we made out journey back to Medford from Manson. Rock was a little distraught leaving his Washington Grandparents (he didn't know what they'd do without him...), so he cried on the phone to Bampa Deo for about 30 minutes...
A few weeks ago we were driving around Jackson County, and came across an ice cream shop in Shady Cove. Rock ordered a small scoop of bubble gum ice cream, and then chilled while enjoying the sunshine.
Oh, and he thought my root beer shake also belonged to him.
Later that night DeA wanted to have her toes done, and Rock thought it would be a good time to bond with Mommy without the little bundle of attention hogging ruining the fun.
Little Ryker didn't like being left out of the fun, and made a note of the discontent with his bottom lip.
Rock enjoyed watching Special Agent Oso on the TV, and his dad yell at Oso because he can't see the STINKING FIREFLY BEHIND HIM!! IT'S RIGHT THERE!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Manson Trip Rolls On!!

Ryker was chilling peacefully on the couch when Rock realized that attention was being given, and he wasn't a part of it. So he climbed on and laid next to Ryker.
Rock thought it was fun, Ryker wasn't so sure.

After Rock became distracted by building blocks, Ryker was suddenly happier.
I don't know what Rock is doing here, but it looks cute.
Rock still loves Mickey hats, and right now he's working this awesome gold one.
Mommy has been sleeping on the chair with Ryker lately, and so Rock thought that the chair must be pretty comfy.
It wasn't, but he had a better view of the TV. He was watching Barney Miller with Bampa, and now he is hooked.
Yogurt and Cap'n Crunch, the breakfast of champions!