Saturday, March 13, 2010

Santa Vaca!!

We were gallivanting around town this morning running errands, checking snipped genitalia, breaking know, the usual parenting. When we got home Rock took his pants and diaper off, then ran into the bathroom and....
WOO HOO!!!!!!
He was pretty proud of what he did in the toilet, and got off of the toilet and yelled 'Ta Da!!'
The only problem is that now he thinks he's a big boy, and big boys don't wear diapers. But...he also thinks big boys don't wear any other clothes either.
He was rightfully pleased with his accomplishments, until...
"Uh oh...."
Even after we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house he still insisted on being mostly neked. That's why this picture is darker, it makes it more artistic.
Good job, Rock!!


  1. Where is he learning this perception of a naked big boy? Keep up the good work Rock, but remember clothes are our friends, especially when you get older.

  2. They say that kids that run around naked have great self-esteem

  3. I love reading this blog! Funniest stuff ever!

  4. My nephew is amazing! I am going to turn in one of his mickey ears pictures to the disney website unless you object. He's gonna be famous!

  5. Lindz, just try and use one with clothes on...don't want to make Walt blush.
