Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trip Round Up, Rock's Achievement and Big News!!

We made it home from Washington on Thursday morning and quickly realized that we had left our camera behind. It arrived yesterday from Grappy Dale, so we had some cuteness on there to clean up and post. First, Rock found where Grammy and Grappy kept their gloves, and he was able to try on all different kinds.
He also found their stocking caps, and he felt that was what his rapping career was missing.
Grappy didn't mind if Rock went through their groceries, and Rock took complete advantage of it.
We finally made it home super early Thursday morning after a stop in sound Seattle (more on that later...). Rock and Ryker were able to sleep the whole drive in the car, which meant that they woke up just before sunrise after we got home. We decided to let them police themselves all morning, and ended up with scenes like this:
Rock would switch between being homicidal and loving, so I'm sure Ryker was very comfortable with the whole situation.
Recently Rock has started letting us know when the ol' fire hose is about to burst, but up until now the whole number two thing has kind of eluded him. After a few turds on the living room carpet, he finally made it to the toilet in time!! He pushed and he grunted until this came out and he could say "Ta Da!!".
Here is a picture of Renton, Washington.

Why would I internet steal and post a random picture of Renton? Well, walk with me while I tell you a little story: Once upon a time, there was a family named the Englands. They moved to Central Point, Oregon and thought they were going to settle in for a nice little while. After a few months there, they started to feel that maybe things weren't going to work out with their situation. After graduating from school, Aaron was faced with the task of finding a new job. After looking around for a few weeks he was given an interview with a doctor in Chelan. He loaded up his wife and little kids to make the drive north. The interview didn't go as well as planned, so Aaron and DeAndra were back to square one. They found a classified ad for a practice in Renton, WA, and so Aaron sent in his resume. After a few communications back and forth, it was agreed that they would stop by the practice on their way through Seattle. Well, to make a long story (and a flat joke) short, they were offered the job! It is a really great opportunity, and it gives us time to learn and grow before (and if) we decide to venture out on our own. So, this week I'm moving up to Renton to start my new job!! We are really sad to leave Central Point and DeA's family, but feel that things have happened the way they have for a reason. We are blessed, thankful, and humbled at how well we have been taken care of by our families. We couldn't have asked for more supportive parents and family!

Anyway, so the blog now has a new look and title. Hope you like it!!


  1. Yay! I'm really happy that you guys will be closer.

  2. Grammy Rae is waiting for the news.

  3. I knew Rock was a super kid. Doing this on his own is a huge step. Yeah Rock!!
