Monday, March 1, 2010

Da Boys

Rock is liking this new sidekick all the time, especially when looking for someone to pass blame for the stinky smell.
Ryker was sleeping all snug on the couch when Rock decided to give him loves.
He picked Ryker all the way up and held him tight, kind of.
Ryker started to slide away from him, but Rock held on for dear life.
Then Rock realized the Ryker couldn't move his arms, so he started to un-swaddle him.
After all that excitement, Ryker just kept on sleeping peacefully.
My luggage arrived late last night, so Rock didn't get to see his new moose slippers from Grappy until today. He kept trying to give them bites of lunch.
Ryker finally got to put on some new clothes that weren't hand-me-downs (thanks Clements!) instead of Rock's old clothes. He was stoked.
Rock wasn't as stoked about the new clothes.
Ryker is funny, because he tries to eat anything, especially his blankets.
Rock was starting to look especially hippy-ish, and so Mawma Zista and Mommy tied him down to trim him up. He was not happy.
Meanwhile, Ryker just continued in ignorance while Rock was being tortured.
He didn't like it.
He really didn't like it.

But he didn't mind showing off the finished product.
He really liked checking it out in the mirror.
He wanted to show Mawma Zista that he wasn't mad, so he helped her with her stretches.
Rock saw that Ryker was doing tummy time, so he helped with that, too.

Rock was minding his business inside when he saw the tractor go by outside, and he had to be there. Luckily Bampa Dave doesn't mind letting him drive.


  1. I don't see the fuss over Rock's rough and tumble old hair style. He was working on the mullet, business in the front/party in the back. He looks great now too. With all that help Ryker won't have a chance.

  2. Rock looks great. I'm glad I wasn't there, though. All I wanted to do was hold him while watching the video. He needed a hug.

  3. Cute kids....You both did well.

  4. These boys make me happy. More pictures! :)
