Papa Dave and Mama Zista came up to watch hockey and basketball. Ryker made sure that Dave understood how hard it was to hit top shelf on a one-timer.
Poor Schnoogies had to do homework while we played games.
Rock took a knee to the eyebrow during middle school PE. It is turning into quite a shiner.
The boys had their Apple Cup tournament over the weekend. DeA and I had to volunteer to run clock and keep score. The kids decided that a booth built for two people was big enough for all of us.
Uncle Nick sent over some slappin' green chili hot sauce. Jens tried it and wasn't ready for the hotness of it.
The Monday morning game wasn't as early as it could have been. The boys played well.
It's hard to get good pictures while stuck in a glass case of emotion and running the clock.
Sometimes Milo needs a break from Luca and Leo.
Ryker really wanted some industrial looking tables for his 3D printer farm. Grandpa Dave was more than happy to help him out.
Ryker seemed to enjoy learning and building, but it wore him out.
They turned out great. A long one, a short one, and a baby one.
Those printers aren't going to weeble, wobble or fall down.
I really like this screensaver thing at the office.