Friday, March 11, 2011

Tiger Attack!!

So, once upon a time we lived in Iowa.  We had some good friends that watched Rock for us, and trained him on how to be a tiger.  When we all moved from Iowa a box of the Young's stuff ended up in our truck.  One of the things that was in that box was an adorable tiger training suit that just happened to fit Ryker perfectly.
"Oh my goodness, I'm adorable!"
Even Rock could see how adorable his little brother was.

Ryker still only has one tooth, but he makes the most of it by showing that one tooth off every chance he gets.
And he has the coy look down.
Rock has been doing a good job putting himself to bed at night.  He'll whine and fuss for a while, but eventually he just falls asleep alone.  Some nights are harder than others, like last night.
DeA took Rock on a little alone time to get ice cream and go to Target.  While they were gone I held a sleeping Ryker on my chest, watched 30 Rock on Netflix and played Sony.  As we were getting Rock's jammies on Ryker snuck out of the bedroom and made a beeline for the couch.  Maybe he wasn't as asleep as I thought he was, because he knew what he wanted to do. 

Another one of Ryker's tricks is to fold his arms to say that prayer.  Except this trick usually doesn't happen when there is a camera around, because he pretends not to hear us.

But then every once in a while he surprises us by showing off.


  1. Absolutely adorable!! I am looking forward to seeing the tiger and his brother the lion.

  2. How can you not post more of those great boys??? Ryker has his "ignore" button on automatic. Glad Rock has the "prayer stance" down pat. No reason to let anything get between him and his PB&J. Where did you find such fun boys???

  3. Haha I love how Rock keeps eating when he takes off his hat for the prayer.

  4. I love those boys! I was going to comment on how Rock took his hat off, folded his arms and kept eating too. Awesome. And Ryker's ignoring video is adorable.
