Sunday, September 4, 2011

Four Wheeler!!

Papa Dale's four wheeler is like a drug to Ryker.  He is only happy when he's on it, and he hates getting off it.  When we stopped our last ride he refused to dismount.
He knows how to turn on the key, shift the gears and push the starter.  He just doesn't know how to do them in the right order.  But, like the velociraptors from Jurassic Park, he is learning.
"Hey, Dad!  Get your butt down here!"
Here's a video of him trying to hot wire the vehicle.  
And here's a video of Ryker torturing Rock with tickles.
In other news, Cougs win!!  Cougs win!!  Here's a link to relive the awesomeness!!


  1. Ryker gonna take the 4 wheeler to his new house?

  2. Your boys are blessed to be making so many memories with their grandparents. This is adorable!

    p.s. now that you are my neighbors, I can comment all the time without seeming weird or stalkerish, haha :)
