Sunday, January 6, 2013

Post Christmas Hangout

The boys will tell you that they have been productive during this break, but the documentation doesn't match up.
Too be fair maybe they don't know what productive means.
I guess they have been productive at getting high scores on Temple Run.
Jensley has been productive at putting away mushed apples and bananas.
 Rock has been dominating Lego Star Wars and learning lots of vocabulary words playing online.
The boys productively destroyed each other playing Mario Kart while Jens managed to sleep through the madness.
Yeah, they showed Rissa all sorts of tricks.
Then they talked Papa Dale into letting them roast marshmallows in the house.
Some of us wondered what would happen if the marshmallow caught on fire, and Ryker calmed us by showing us what to do when it catches on fire.
At least they did a good job of stoking the fire.
Oh, and they guilted Rissa into throwing them a birthday party before she abandoned them for Arizona.


  1. I would say productivity got schooled.

  2. Grandpa Dale is clearly wrapped around several little fingers... looks like a perfect break!

  3. I love Jensley's growl in the background of the first video lol... :)
