Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial Day Plus Fathers and Sons

Memorial Day is about remembering those that served, those that sacrificed and those that made it possible for us to shoot a Russian sniper rifle at Top Shelf.  This is looking down from the target that Nick and Dad welded together.
 The range master runs a tight ship and makes you say 'pew pew' every time you pull the trigger.

It was a pretty sweet day to go shooting.
 It was also a good day to eat lunch in your Batman skivvies. 
 Monday afternoon we went out to visit Grandma and Grandpa England's grave and leave them apples.
 DeA asked Rock to be quiet and reverent.  Rock then asked what happens to the apples and DeA said "They crawl out of their graves and EAT THEM!" which ended any chance of the kids being reverent and respectful.
 USA!!  USA!!  USA!!

 Is there anything more patriotic than Batman holding the America flag while wearing Spiderman skivvies and Superman boots?  
 Last Friday was the Fathers and Sons camput at Antilon Lake.  I've taken Rock camping at Top Shelf before, but never on a real camping trip to a real campsite.  And I've never taken Ryker to even sleep in the tent in the yard, so this was definitely an adventure.
 They took to camping like Ryker to Lego Batman.
 It was pretty rough conditions, we only had one kind of cheese for our cheesburgers and the generator made enough noise that we had to move the movie about 20 yards away.  
 Thankfully it wasn't too dry in the hills otherwise the kids and their flying flaming marshmallows would have been a problem.

 Rock kept trying to go fishing on the 20ft cliff and Ryker kept trying to go cliff diving where the fishing spot was.  Now I know why parents put their kids on leashes. 
 The big kids and adults enjoyed Swiss Family Robinson on the projector.
 Rock, Ryker and Colby enjoyed Lego Batman: The Movie on my Surface. 
 The boys crashed hard and slept pretty well through the night.  At 4 am Ryker started screaming and I realized that he had kicked off all of his covers and was cold.  After re-wrapping him in the sleeping back and blanket and cuddling him he finally went back to sleep.

 Breakfast was delicious pancakes, sausage and eggs.  
 Ryker seemed to like the idea of sitting around the fire and eating his food.
 Rock really liked the idea of running everywhere with his food and not having to worry about spilling it anywhere.  They've been asking when we are going again, so I think they liked it.
 As we were coming home Dad called to see if the kids could help him with the helicopter.  The answer to that is always yes, so we headed straight to the hangar. 
 While dad was up flying the boys and I walked to Jack's and picked up some sharkfin goggles.
 They made the boys look every cuter than before.
 Well, made them look something...
 It was a perfect day for flying, but any day is a perfect day.

 When we got home we helped DeA clean the house by getting out of her way.
 Jens helped by pulling the needles off of the little trees by the house.


  1. From your posts, it is obvious that life is ALWAYS fun at your house! My kids were cheated. ;)

  2. Great memories. They will work into that whole camping thing, probably while their momma and gma "condocamp".
