Saturday, October 19, 2013

Costco and CatRyker

Bubbles needed another trip to the car doctor so we turned the trip into a Costco run.  Jens likes Costco, especially during free samples!!
 She made sure to get two of all the good stuff, one for her and one for Dolly.
 Oh, and she made sure to get one for Ryker, too.  I don't think Ryker ever saw his corn dog or yogurt drink samples.
 The kids are starting to do a great job of showing affection.  Rock always asks if he can hold Jens' hand in the car, and she seems to be happy to oblige.  Ryker just wants the Surface to play Jetpack Joyride.
 Ryker has a...unique way of showing affection.  Hugging him is like hugging a cat since he claws your face off and gives you attack face.
  Jens and Huddy are pretty good buds and find projects to keep themselvs busy.
 Uncle Buffalo Nick came over to hunt Bambi but took time during church to cuddle Jensley.  She loves cuddling with Uncle Buffalo Nick. 
  I am trying to leave work a little early on Wednesdays to spend time with the kids and DeA.  Last Wednesday we went to the school for Rock's soccer game and to let Ryker run all over the field.
 It's hard to tell if he loved or if he LOVED it.
 Jensley loved the free time and space but she kept trying to steal the soccer ball.
 They invented a game where Jensley ran away and Ryker chased her and tackled her.  She is getting good at taking a tackle and pretty soon she will be laying the punishment to her brothers.
 Rock was feeling sick and didn't quite have his usual energy.  He kept asking for orange slices and Capri Suns.   
 Papa Dale came to enjoy the match and get tackled by Jens.
  There's that Energizer Bunny that we are used to seeing.
  He tried, but you could tell that there wasn't a lot of energy in that tank.
 Ryker had enough energy for everybody.
 As a bonus for every Papa Dale brought by some Bandbooster hamburgers.  Everybody wins!


  1. Hard to tell who was the winner, players or fans. Fun afternoon with wild kids

  2. This post makes me miss little tykes soccer :)
