Sunday, August 3, 2014

Summer of Munchkins: A post that I thought was published a month ago but wasn't so it's being published now

Rock has spent most of July with his summer mask of dirt, sweat and food.
Jens continues desperately to keep up with her brothers and is now an expert Lego builder.
Nick came over for the 4th of July and enjoyed the typical Kiwanis BBQ and crappy Mariners offense.
The kids liked eating the chicken off the boys like Vikings and the beans with their hands like pigs.
We enjoyed the fireworks down at Killian's property and enjoyed watching Alice chase off trespassers. 
Jens wasn't sure what was happening but she knew it was going to be awesome.
Someone brought down glowsticks and the kids had a G rated rave.
Ryker loved cuddling, wrestling and yelling 'tootie' as loud as he could.
Jens found food and knew that this party was officially off the hook!
We enjoyed the long weekend by going on a few walks and enjoying the nice weather.
Ryker still refuses to stand or smile like a normal kid when he sees a camera.

If you use your imagination you can figure out the unfortunate ending to this activity.
The see-saw is always popular.

Ryker is a fun little cuddlebug.
It isn't summer until you've OD'd on S'mores.

Ryker continued to roast marshmallows even though he admitted that he was done with eating them.
Don't let the dress fool you, she likes to get dirty and messy.
Kassidy is pretty popular.

It didn't take long for Jens to figure out what to do when she visits my office.
She trains fast and was scheduling patients in no time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you caught any of them on camera. Kass didn't look so happy in the second pix. No Huddy? He musta been bouncing off the walls.
