Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hamming it Up and Arizona

Jensley asked me to take her picture and then acted like a silly goober.
 Ryker let me take his picture but wasn't as creative.

 Ryker started to get into the swing of it, but now quite as into it as his sister.

 Ryker loves his sleep.
 Sleep isn't as important to Jens, she's happy to run around stealing attention.

 She also steals food from the counter if DeA isn't paying attention. 

 She still sleeps, but usually it's against her will after she's tried her hardest to stay awake.
 I didn't get a lot of pictures of it but in June DeA and I flew to Arizona for Lindsey and Greg's wedding. She spent most of her time holding baby Dalton.
  We also ate a lot of ice cream, but part of that was because it was 110 degrees down there.