Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?"

Golden Boy's wedding was Steampunk themed while the reception was Star Wars.
 Ryker made the cutest storm trooper.
 Rock was pretty menacing as Darth Vader.
 And Jens was very regal as Princess Leia. 
 And adorable, but she's always adorable.
 The wig got too hot and so she was blond Leia for the rest of the reception.

 All of the traveling, playing, swimming, receptioning wore the kids right out.
 Ryker would fall asleep sitting up.
 At the school auction I won the Mariners grounds crew prize which meant we got to go down on the field. Max and his parents joined us.
 Felix pitched, it was beautiful weather and things weren't smoky so it was a great day.

 Max seemed to love it.
 I started the game in center field where I saw Brad Miller make a nice catch (it was a routine fly ball, but with this team's outfield any catch is a nice catch).
 After a few innings I got to move down by the visitor's dugout. It was fascinating to hear the Athletics coaches and players discuss strategy and how good Felix was throwing. (These last pictures are from Nick)
  My job was to go pull second base so that they could rake the field. I got to fist bump Robinson Cano and talk to Marte in Spanish ("Hola" "Como esta?" "Q?")
 Bob Christofferson was great and helped me have a great experience. 

M's win! M's win!

1 comment:

  1. Was a wild steam punk trip, fun times. Returning home was smoky and challenging. The kids were fun as always
