Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas Prep

We've been going crazy with different activities for the kids. We finally got the tree up about two weeks before Christmas. The kids did the decorating, and did great. 
 Leo has enjoyed playing in the snow. 
 He looks like Leo the abominable snow dog.
 DeA wore a pretty dress to our Christmas party. She's a sexy Mrs. Claus.
 She bought two, and decided on the red one.  
Ryker wanted to go to the gym with me. We walked on the treadmill, we did some box jumps, and we rode the bikes. It was a fun time.  

 The mudding and taping is still going on. There is a lot to mud and tape. 

 We love sitting in the future living room and imagining that we are watching the game in front of the fire. 
 Funshine hugs are great.  
 The fireplace and stone is going to look sweet. 

1 comment:

  1. It is fun anticipating the completion. It will be a great New Year's present
