Monday, March 14, 2022

Birthdays and Real Life

Rock is a big 14-year-old and celebrated it with diabeetus.
Ryker had a game the night before a day off from school, and he convinced Rissa to bring her kids down to cheer him on.
Luca Baby was pretty excited to see some hit and slashes.
Jens is loving basketball; her first game was a big deal and she played great.
She wasn't sure exactly where to go or what to do all the time, but she said that she loved every minute.
Rock's hair might be getting a little too long
Ryker had his first tournament over President's Day weekend while Rock was in Spokane with DeA at his own tourney. Ryker tried really hard to check someone so hard that he drew a penalty, like Rock did two years ago, but just couldn't find someone small enough.
DeA discovered the joys of cooking with noise cancelling headphones and a sappy soap opera.
Luca baby is pretty chill...for now.
Ryker chose pizza instead of a freak shake. It's more greasy but less diabeetusy.
He was pretty excited for his presents, like a cut-resistant glove.
And a silicon breakfast sandwich mold.
He made a McGriddle with it.


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Rocko is 14.. What a cool shake! Ryker's McGriddle looks so much better than the original one!
