Thursday, May 26, 2022

Stomach Bug From Hell

For about a week, one kid a day would go down with a nasty stomach bug. It started with Huddy, but we thought it was because he ate 24 pizza rolls and spent about 30 minutes unsupervised in the pantry. But then Leo got sick, and then Sienna, then Max, and finally our kids started feeling it. Then they really felt it and for 24 hours they were miserable, DeA and I were running from one kid to another to help them clean up or get to a bowl or bathroom. We thought it was just a kid thing, but then around 9pm I started to feel it, and over the next 12 hours I lost about six pounds. I took my second sick day in the last 11 years and didn't feel remotely guilty.
Leo didn't understand why everyone was just laying around, but he was more than willing to join in.
They could barely get out off the couch.
Luca wasn't happy that his cousins weren't well. He already spits up everyday but he keeps on trucking on doing his baby Luca things.
Thankfully the effects of the bug ran their course in about 24 hours and both Jens and Ryker were ready to play in their scrimmage against each on Thursday. We finished with pizza and some kids were still unhappy.
Gma missed her birthday because she was also feeling the affects of the bug, but she finally got her everything pizza. 
The elves were out and about today

I'm old.
Leo loved my birthday cake, but got mad when he discovered that Aunt DeA ate the last bite while he was gone and playing.
Nice sunset.

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